On Proximity, Losing Communication And Understanding Friendship


What role does geographical closeness play in the strengthof friendship – does it matter how far or close you stay with your friends.

Also, what does it say when the bond weakens or strengthensbased on the distance. Let’s try to dig deep and understand your affection,loyalty, and fondness. Friendship is the best bond because you decide astranger will have your deep secrets – often which you don’t share with family.

So let’s get to the scary, dark, and real truth about yourdesire to stay near friends.

Are you close to her as you say or is it just an illusionbecause of no choice? Let’s slice up the friendship between you and your friendssurrounding their location.

Close and No Talking

When you think about it – you hope that your friend withwhom you connect on so many levels should stay close.

You could talk with walkie talkie for hours and no chargefor the phone. You can talk about stars, the Universe and the life’s biggestdecision such as who will sit on the first bench tomorrow.

The chances of you meeting your friend increases because youshop from the same market, the road to the main street is same, and your localsociety is same, so any cultural festival has both of you. So, if you don’tintend to  – even then you will findyourself in her proximity. And naturally, you will talk, play, and have fun.

Although all of these happen, some friends stay close toyour home, and you still don’t talk to them.

You aren’t happy when you bump into them in the supermarket,rather you give out a fake smile and walk away. For a few friends, your bond isstrong because of proximity, and for few, you hate it when they are close toyour house.

Faraway and Talking

Consider this when one of your friends goes away from you –because she is shifting her address, her dad’s job changed, or her family isrestarting their life anew.

You would feel sad because the intimacy will be lost andfrequent chat which you used to have would no longer happen. And the vacuumwill exist for a long time – her memories will come when you go to the schoolalone or when you play at the park with new partners.

Sure, it will be hard at first. But eventually you will getrid of the sensation, and you will move on.

There will be new friends and new memories, and whatever mayhappen to her, you won’t be much bothered.

But you receive a message on your email, and it’s her. Sheemails you weekly, talks on phone every month, and spends time with you onsummer vacation. When you thought that she would not be around because shewasn’t physically, she surprised you and your bond continues to grow strong.

The distance exists, but the friendship stayed. Yes, withsome people the friendship ceases to exist, but with some people, they continueto chat even with long distance.

Closeness Helps Build Connection

What’s going on here? Here are four scenarios which arebound to happen:

  • You and your friend stay close – the bond grows stronger
  • You and your friend stay close – the bond fades
  • You and your friend stay far away – the bond grows stronger
  • You and your friend stay far away – the bond fades

If your bond fades, then it is to do with the fact that youdon’t like the friendship as much as you thought. Spending time togetherdoesn’t imply anything – many colleagues in colleges and offices spent hourstogether, but it is often because of no choice.

Conversely, the bond grows stronger when you want it to.Hence, it doesn’t matter if the friend whom you value so much gets separated aslong as she values you too – the connection will persist.

However, my argument is this – if you value your friendshipwith someone try to stay with close proximity as possible because that is thebest combination ever.

The closeness grows stronger with someone whom you want whenthey are nearby to attend you. In either way, meeting with friends you wantoften is the key to a long-lasting, fulfilling, and better relationship.

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